Hello everyone and welcome to VC TV. I’m your host, Valerie, and here I’ll be giving a quick review and recommending some shows and movies for you. Today I’ll be recommending a comedy, a drama, and an action show. 1st on the list we have letter Kenny which is on Hulu. This is a it’s a great comedy show. It’s one of my favorites. This is about it. Everyday lives of people in this small little town in Canada called letter Canning. The shell is just a tad bit whippet crude on the crew side, but it is absolutely hilarious. I’ve actually recommended this show a few times to some other friends of mine and work colleagues, and they all seem to really enjoy. They have various characters on there that are great. One of my favorites is a character named Glenn. He’s a youth pastor who because of his mannerisms and the overly sexually suggestive tones of his of his youth sermons. Because he’s a youth pastor. It does allude to the fact that Glenn is gay, but he never really ever comes out and says that he is and that he isn’t. And it is just it just looks his way into just some very hilarious interactions with him. The other character on this show that I love is GAIL. She is. She’s the owner of the local bar where everybody drinks and wants to get her too she. Is a bit wildly inappropriate, but it’s just downright out hilarious, especially since both of these characters have a crush on the main character, Wade, which just about all the women in this town has some form of crush on Wayne. So it it is great, it’s. Absolutely a wonderful show that, like I said, all the characters are great. Another reason why I think this show the show is actually did really well on Hulu was very popular when it was on the last season. Aired in 2023 and now the show is done, it does have a spin-off called Sure Izzy, but I think the other reason why this show was so popular is because of the characters they all had. They had these way of saying things. They’re phrasing of things like when somebody was taking a little long to.
To get to the point or get to the end of the story, kind of. Like me right now. They would tell somebody they would say, put a patter, let’s get at her. Like, let’s get started or hurry up and let you know. Stop wasting time. Another they have that I like was if you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything. Then there is.
If you can be one thing, you should be efficient and I was like. That’s so true, yeah. If if you can be one thing, you should be efficient and another one was my favorite. Even though you can just say it’s not my problem, but I love it because they came up with them to say not my pig, not my farm. So it, like I said, it’s a really funny show and a few people that I’ve. Like I said, I’ve already recommended this show too. They said the reason why they like it not only because yes, it is very funny. Like because this show was on for 12 seasons and I know that sounds like a lot, but for each season there’s like six to seven episodes and the episodes are less than like 30 minutes. So my friends all really like that. And I had a couple of people say they love. It because. They can binge the show. That be doing other things as they’re still listening to all the jokes. Things. What’s going on to the television, but it it’s a good filler in the background that they have and one person told me they they enjoy it because at the end of the day they can just wind down, turn off their brain and like right before they go to bed, they would end up watching like two or three episodes of the show. And they were like it just. Within perfectly and they loved it. So that is what I’m for. Comedy, if you’re looking, if you’re looking for a. Comedy. Letter Kenny on Hulu is one of my definitely one of my choices. Now for my drama choice is a show called Queen Sugar, and I do believe this is once again is on Hulu. And I do believe on Disney. Plus I like the show. It’s a great human interest story about 3 strange siblings. The borderline. Only where these siblings are brought together brought back together because of the passing of their father and trying to save his sugar cane farm. Now I know that probably that storyline doesn’t sound new, not original, but even though it’s kind of the same story that we’ve seen or heard before. When you have, when you have a studio, when they put it together nicely with a great cast and great. It’s nice, and even though I’m not always that big on dramas, I really did enjoy this. This show what drew me to it in the 1st place was I recognized the one of the actresses in the show who I did like, and that was routine Wesley Miller from True Blood, which is what? Threw me in, but then once I got drawn in because of that, the story itself, the show itself altogether, just kept me there. Kofi Cerebral is also in this who plays the younger brother, Ralph Angel Bordelon. And if you recognize that name, you also probably remember that he was in. The movie girls trip and we know about the scene that he was in. Thank you. Great. So, so the movie. But this. Yeah, this is a really good show about. Like I said, good, good human interest story. So if you’re looking for a nice and easy drama, not heavy. And it goes down smoothly. This is your show. And now that I said that out loud, I am now in the mood for a witness. Reserved old fashioned. Something not heavy and goes down smoothly and goes with everything queen sugar. My third recommendation is the action show on Netflix. It’s a say, it’s action period piece Vikings the hollow. Yay. I love period pieces and especially when it comes to Vikings and gladiators, things like that. Uh, I love it. I love it. I love it, I love it. And this is no different that I love this, this show Vikings, Barbarians, like I said. And besides, who wouldn’t be into wanting to watch? A movie or show with a bunch of handsome, well fit men running around wielding swords and. Axes. Yes, please. Yeah. This show this is the sequel to the original Viking show that came out on history channel, but of course now by now it you can. See Vikings on Netflix, Hulu, and I do believe I think I saw that. It’s also on Amazon. So like I said, this story is now taking place 100 years after. Sure. The show Vikings and it is following three Viking explorers who they did find did exist, and I do believe that was held secret, son Leif Ericsson and his sister fades Alex Dutta. So that’s another. Part of the show reason why I like that that it is based on people who did exist way back. Fan, like I said earlier, yeah, I love period pieces and especially when they’re filmed in different studios, I mean, outside of the United States, it’s always great because I love to see actors and actresses that I haven’t seen before. I have not been introduced to also to see if I maybe recognize them from something else and in this. So as I go back and I watched, started rewatching Vikings Valhalla. I recognized one of the actors. He plays the character I think believe it’s Olaf Henderson, played by and I’m not going to try to pronounce his whole name and I hope I get the first name right. Yeah, I think it’s Jonas. Jonas, I pray that I did that right. But like I said, he plays Olaf Harrison. And I just realized I was recognized his face because I was like we’ve. Seen him before? He is just showing up in the new show on Peacock call those about to die and then I saw that he’s also was in Game of Thrones. And infinite, the good liar, bloodshot and atomic blonde. This man has been busy and I hope he keeps on being a busy. So I love that that is always really great when I when I recognize somebody from other things too. So it’s funny because one of my best friends happens to be. They send them Vikings trees from Denmark. And all the years that we have been friends, she has never once expressed an interest. You know, suggested that we go pillaging for anything. I think the only thing she’s ever had called me up or texted me about is grocery shopping. Is that the new pillager? Is that what fighters do now instead of the actual pillaging they just shot, which I’m down with. I’m good with that. We’ll go shoe shopping. Yeah, that sounds great. You do that. So if you’re looking for something with a little extra kick, uh, like a nice strong need. Then please, please check out the show. It’s. It’s what? It’s one of my favorites for sure. OK. So that’s it for this episode. Thank you so much for joining me. I hope you enjoyed that and that you will maybe give these shows a little look, see, and I hope you enjoy them. So until next time. Alright.