Valerieland Photos & Blog

Personal musings on all things random and interesting.
Podcasts & more by Valerie Collins

Solo Sista Travels


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Sample Post Three

Valerie Collins

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent cursus nibh sit amet ante feugiat faucibus. Cras vel laoreet eros, sed efficitur justo. Nunc sollicitudin vitae quam in pharetra. Donec maximus congue massa, ac scelerisque neque tincidunt a. Donec sit amet dolor id metus volutpat feugiat malesuada sit amet ipsum. In suscipit dictum porta. Etiam nec massa ut metus feugiat malesuada. Maecenas vitae sem et urna finibus sollicitudin. Nunc gravida magna cursus ex sodales cursus. Phasellus viverra pharetra velit non rhoncus. Cras eu cursus nisl.

Vestibulum pretium metus sit amet arcu molestie, quis commodo libero convallis. Curabitur tempus elit sed lectus pulvinar mollis. Donec volutpat tincidunt elit, ac congue urna. Ut velit tortor, pulvinar eget ipsum in, tempor porta leo. Vivamus aliquam fermentum tincidunt. Etiam lacinia nulla sit amet nibh luctus auctor eget ac massa. Integer id consectetur tellus, in luctus ante. Nullam quis aliquam arcu, in dictum nulla.

Suspendisse posuere mi vel tempus hendrerit. In faucibus quam ut pulvinar volutpat. Aenean porttitor neque erat. Aenean at finibus dui. Fusce scelerisque odio sed dui ornare hendrerit. Ut risus massa, finibus eget velit molestie, lobortis maximus quam. Sed posuere vitae dolor at eleifend. Maecenas interdum eleifend arcu lacinia eleifend. Cras quis orci et velit varius efficitur. Vestibulum egestas nisl ante, nec rhoncus erat tristique in. Vestibulum elementum purus at nulla rutrum, vel congue enim scelerisque. Curabitur eget velit semper, mollis nisl vehicula, volutpat felis. Morbi a urna enim.


Valerie Collins, Esq.

Greetings, inter-world! I’m Valerie “VC” Collins, world explorer and west-coast enthusiast. Thank you for joining me here at I started my podcasts & blog to explore and discuss the activities I love most: swanky travel experiences, and the world of television, film & entertainment.

When I was a teenager, Cinemax had a program that came on every Wednesday or Thursday at 8pm called Vanguard Cinema. Each week, they would show either a non-mainstream American or foreign film. This is how I saw the movies A Clockwork Orange and Orlando and many more like them. I absolutely loved Vanguard Cinema. It opened my eyes to so many films that would never have been played in the movie theaters back then.

The other reason why I enjoyed these films is because they were a way to escape to other parts of the world. To me they were like travel brochures that came to life. Vanguard Cinema would show films from all over the world, and I would get a peek at these beautiful places. Because of these films, I discovered a passion to see the places that were in these movies. I always dreamed that one day I would be able to travel around the world.